is a GRAPHIC DESIGNER from Minneapolis steered by wonder and anchored in craft.




is a GRAPHIC DESIGNER from Minneapolis steered by wonder and anchored in craft.


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VIPER V2 Winch Product Launch

Product naming & positioning, product design, logo design, packaging, paid social campaign, E-commerce channel optimization, product photography, promotional video

When MotoAlliance, an MN-based off-road accessories company, launched their brand-new ATV/UTV towing winch, they were facing myriad challenges; chiefly, a confusing brand hierarchy and an untested product. I led the project in every creative aspect and created a product design, identity, & campaign that skyrocketed sales and yielded excellent market feedback about the product and the VIPER Winch brand.

Amazon A+ Content Page

Additional content was created for Amazon listings to answer questions and boost conversion, building off of the visual style developed for the promotional campaign. product listing featuring product photography